Doug and Lisa Barber Text Box:  March 2020


We are the offspring of the great I AM. Superheroes and servants of the Most High God! Our address is under the shadow of the Almighty, and no evil comes near us.



 “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” (Rev.3:16)


Partners and Prayer Warriors,


When we as Christians live with one foot in Christ and the other foot firmly grounded to this world we are what Scripture calls “lukewarm”.  The Father would rather us be hot or cold, all in or all out, but not both. What does this look like? We are told not to look at the stars for answers to our questions or our futures and yet we read horoscopes. We say “it’s just for fun!” But the truth is, it’s the enemy’s way of pulling the second heaven (where warfare is waged) down to the very center of the human soul to keep us distracted, confused and in doubt. There is a difference between the science of the universe (astronomy) and studying the stars for answers to life (astrology-witchcraft). What about black cats? This superstition started in 1500’s Europe. Black cats are no different than any other cat.  The number 13 is considered bad luck but it is related to both good things and not so good things in scripture.  Breaking a mirror? Step on a crack you’ll break your mothers back? This could go on for a while! What about “luck” vs. The Promises of God and Faith?


 St. Patrick’s Day is coming and associated with that day is the luck of the Irish. The truth is luck had nothing to do with St. Patrick. He was a 16 year old British teenager kidnapped by Irish pirates.  He lived in Ireland as a slave for six years when he escaped and returned home. He then became a cleric and returned to Northern Ireland as Bishop. He is credited for being the founder of Christianity in Ireland, a country that was steeped in Celtic polytheism.  More accurately, this is an example of what the enemy meant for harm, God turned for good to His purposes and glory.


To live a life believing in God but not having the Word of God inside makes a person ripe for the picking in this world. Satan is the ruler of this world and he brings with it intimidation, half-truths, superstitions and angst through a spirit of fear. He rules through fear!  LPE Ministries sees a great deal of this in counseling. Having one foot in Christ and the other foot in this world is dangerous.  Fear is a show-stopper for someone who does not know they are fully accepted in Christ or know the Word of God. It places within that person:  Confusion, anxiety, doubt, distraction, sensitivity to the spirit of the fear of rejection and an open door for the enemy to wreak havoc in their lives. Because satan cannot create anything, he takes what God has already created and perverts it to make it look inviting and fun to lure people in. Before long their thinking is: “Well this is harmless because I believe in God and He will protect me!” Sometimes this is said in arrogance, a form of pride or without much thought at all! 


The Word says: “Again and again they tempted God, and pained the one of Israel” (Ps.78:41). Psalms 78: 42-51 goes on to describe the consequences of tempting God in great detail.

We don’t have to look far to see that this world is growing more and more dark.  The time to make the choice of all in or all out is now. Choose this day whom you will serve!Text Box:


 Deut. 30:19-20 – “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days...” (Emphasis mine).


To choose life is to choose the Word of God and get it written on the tablet of your heart so you will know the Truth over a lie of the enemy. Often the enemy will give just enough truth so when he slips that lie in somewhere we don’t recognize it. We must spend time in the Word to keep from becoming deceived. Scripture says the enemy parades around as one of light and the only way to know the difference is having a relationship with our Father through Jesus Christ – The Word, the language of God!


Romans 13:12 – “The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

1Pet. 2:9 – “But you are a CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, SO that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.


I am passionate about this because I see a whole lot of people who don’t understand the difference between saying they believe in God and living a life in Christ. Having one foot in Christ and one foot in the world is the same as saying: I believe in God but am going to dabble in witchcraft because it’s fun! It is time to wake up and pay attention to what we are doing and saying and do a heart check on what and who we are going to believe! One brings life and that more abundantly and the other brings despair, death and no hope. God’s Word is very clear and there is not enough room to put all of the scriptures in one newsletter.


A while back during my quiet time I heard the Holy Spirit speak these words: “God’s Word is Medicine to all my flesh, Living Water and Bread for my thirsty, hungry soul and Breath to my spirit!”  Those words are promises to each and every one of us who believes in the one who loved us first and still loves us most. He is faithful and unwavering in His love, protection and provision. Why would we ever look anywhere else but to Him for all that we need? Our Father is just that good! Hallelujah!


It is our hope and desire that this letter finds you doing very well. We pray blessings to chase you down and overtake you in every area of your life. As always, we ask that if you know someone to whom this letter will speak words of life to, please share this with them.

(The information about Saint Patrick came from Wikipedia – interesting read).


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Remember, we love you and pray for you also. Thank you for your dedication to pray and partner with Loving People Enough Ministries.

Love and Blessings,

Pastors Doug & Lisa Barber

Text Box:  Banner  
6203 76TH St.
Lubbock, Texas 79424
Doug 806-790-4757
Lisa 806-790-4756

LPE Ministries is a 501(c) 3 Charitable Organization.  All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.