Keep our focus on God, Eyes set toward Eternity, to be Kingdom minded through
the mind of Christ.
Keep our focus on God, Eyes set toward Eternity, to
be Kingdom minded through the mind of Christ.
“…who Himself bore our sins
in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live
for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.”
“In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the
gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in
Him with the Holy Spirit of the promise…”
(1Pet. 2.24, Eph. 1:13)
Dear Partners and Prayer Warriors,
Every so often, reminders of what Jesus did for us on the cross, is all
we need to keep walking out our salvation (or time here on earth).
When we take time out to remember the gift Jesus gave to us on the cross
we also remember our free will to choose. He gave us the gift of
forgiveness, atonement, health (spirit, soul, and body) Truth and
Salvation through Himself and then He sealed us in the promise of
the Holy Spirit that we would abide in Him forever. The point we want to
make here is about
free will.
Jesus has already given the gift of Himself on the cross for us to have
a good life, but we must choose to take Him at His Word. That is our
free will part – to choose! Every decision we will make, He has already
given us a template for! He said, “Life or Death – Choose Life!”
We are at the beginning of a brand new year. We are standing in faith
that 2022 will bring blessing and encouragement to all who will choose
to take Jesus at His Word and receive.
We stand on the promise given in Psalm 77:19, 20: “Your steps formed a
highway through the seas with footprints on a pathway no one even knew
was there. You led your people forward by your loving hand…”
Our prayer for you this year is that God bless the work of your hands
that you may reap a mighty harvest in your life and in the lives you
touch. We pray perfect health be yours and your families throughout this
next year and years to come.
Because of your partnership and prayers with Loving People Enough
Ministries, your rewards in heaven will be huge. The lives that have
been touched by you are already innumerable and will continue to grow
exponentially. We thank you and we are excited to start 2022 by choosing
to BELIEVE! We invite you to join us! |
Love and Blessings,
Doug & Lisa Barber
New Year!
6203 76TH St.
Lubbock, Texas 79424
Doug 806-790-4757
Lisa 806-790-4756
LPE Ministries is a 501(c) 3 Charitable Organization.
All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. |