Keep our focus on God, Eyes set toward Eternity, to be Kingdom minded through
the mind of Christ.
Keep our focus on God, Eyes set toward Eternity, to
be Kingdom minded through the mind of Christ.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this
darkness, against the spiritual forces
of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Eph. 6:12
Dear Partners and Prayer Warriors,
While driving and
running errands, I saw a man with red hair and a very full, thick beard wearing
a head scarf, a dress, and walking
like a woman. All I could think about was how much conflict and torment this man
must be in and it hurt my heart. I
could almost feel the torment of this man as I drove by and the conflict of
dressing and walking like a woman and yet having a very thick red beard of a
man. As I prayed for God to protect
him, I asked that his eyes be opened to see the evil that is entertaining his
soul and severing his spirit. My thoughts then wandered into questions like has
he ever been married? Still married?
Does he have children? What
happened to him to be at this station in life? What do his parents and extended
family think? It would have been so
easy to ridicule and or to condemn this man that looks odd and who needs Jesus
but all I could do is pray!
I am reminded all
too often of God’s Word and how we are to love people. Scripture does not say
that we must like people and the things they do or the demons that seem to be in
charge of their lives. It does say that we are to love them. To do this we must
remember that literally everything is spirit. God gave to us a free will to
choose life or death in every decision we, as humans, make. Sad to say there are
those who have not ever been taught to choose life or, they have believed a lie
of the enemy that they were born to a lifestyle that is NOT IN LINE WITH God’s
Truth for their lives. This
deception is Satan’s way of trying to make God a liar. It brings with it
confusion and distraction so the deception goes on TO GIVE the appearance that
the war is between people by the way we see others and quite possibly judge
something we know nothing about.
all appearances, it would seem our country is IN THE SAME CONDITION AS the man I
described above. We are in conflict and tormented by the decisions that have
been made in the past, one choice at a time. We have allowed the enemy to divide
us on so many fronts: Church vs. State, racism, gun control, abortion, and the
list goes on. We keep looking at our government to do something instead of
hitting our knees in prayer. We have
forgotten that this is spirit driven and therefore have come against one another
in the flesh. We mock, criticize, condemn, and are critical of one another who
look, think, and do things differently. SO here is the challenge:
What do we do about those that are in dire straits spiritually and need
correction through truth and love? Is that not a missionary’s journey? We have
all been chosen to go throughout the world and preach the Gospel. How will the
lost know what the truth is unless we proclaim and declare the Word of God to
those who are lost, deceived and or simply misled because they were never
taught? (Disclaimer: I am not talking
about those who know and are walking in blatant rebellion and disobedience.)
As a whole, we need to do better at
missions right here in our own cities, states and nation as well as overseas!
The beginning of the United States of America started with a bunch of
pilgrims fleeing religious persecution from Europe to tame a land they soon
claimed for themselves. Eventually they set forth a
Declaration Of Independence from England and wrote it down,
signed it and then fought for it for seven years before declaring victory of the
Revolutionary War. Fifty-six people in all signed the Declaration of
Independence and then so began organizing and putting together a new government
for a new country and the writing of
The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
As both Father’s Day and our Independence Day
approaches, take time to reflect upon what our Heavenly Father did through the
U.S. Founding Fathers: Freedom to
preach the Gospel, heal the sick, restore the broken-hearted, minister to
those in need and remember that the battle is spirit and not flesh!
We want to thank
each of you for being watchers on the wall for us and for your financial
partnerships. We love what we get to do for the Kingdom and what you do with us
makes that possible. We pray blessings and favor over each of you!
In God We Trust.
Love and Blessings,
Doug & Lisa Barber
Our hope is that you have a happy Father’s Day and a
wonderful Independence Day celebration.
6203 76TH St.
Lubbock, Texas 79424
Doug 806-790-4757
Lisa 806-790-4756
LPE Ministries is a 501(c) 3 Charitable Organization.
All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. |