Dear Partners and Prayer Warriors,
The holiday
season is upon us once again and this year we are still waiting for cooler temps
and the color that autumn brings. I’m not really complaining…well not too much!
It is just so much easier to do leaf watching, hot cocoa, and all things
pumpkin spice when the weather works with us, right?
atmosphere is different this year and every man’s heart is being tested because
of where we are personally, corporately and as a nation. We have friends who are
democrats and who love Jesus and we have friends who are republican but never
show or talk about their faith. Everyone is on eggshells and we try not to
offend anyone but, guess what? Everyone is offended!
By the time
you read this letter, all of the voting will have been done and there will be a
winner and a loser in the political arena but it does not change God. It will
not change who we are in Christ and it will not change His promises to us His
More than
being a republican, or a democrat I want to be a child of the Most High God. I
want to be a keeper of the flame of the Holy Spirit and His righteousness.
(Matt. 3:11 & Luke 3:16) I want to stay seated in the heavenlies where my
position does not change! (Eph. 2:6) I want to focus on the Holy One who makes
me Holy and I want to bring Him Gratitude and Thanksgiving. That is the season I
want to live in continuously!
By keeping
our focus on
Jesus as God we will receive the promises He has already
given to us in His Word. He takes what the enemy meant for harm and turns it
into good. (Gen.50:20) He is our
provision in all things. (Phil. 4:19) He orders and directs all of our steps
regardless of our plans. (Prov. 16:9) All things work together for good to those
who are called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28) For from Him, Through Him
and To Him are all things. (Rom.11:36)
In keeping
our focus on
Jesus as God and our eyes are set toward eternity, we sit
with Him in the heavenlies and this earth our footstool. We are in the position
that all of Ps.91 says we are: Covered, protected, provided for, sheltered…
This is a
season for praising God for His goodness and celebrating Him all throughout
Thanksgiving and Christmas! Just as all things in the Holy Scriptures point to
Jesus; Jesus points to Father and the Holy Spirit and it becomes reciprocal in
relationship and they are all God. We too should point our focus and affections
upon Jesus (God) and when we do it, it to becomes reciprocal in relationship
between us and the Creator of the universe.
Like you, we
voted and we pray(ed) and we did all that we knew how to do and it is done. My
focus does not waiver from my faith in God but my heart belongs to Him and I
love because He first loved me. Republican or Democrat…I choose to be grateful
and thankful to the One who made Democracy in a Republic a possibility. I choose
to be grateful and thankful for all that He has done and will do for us
personally, corporately and as a nation. We need HIM and HIM alone! HE alone is
worthy and He still knows best and He still knows who, in their hearts, are His!
Let’s set our
hearts back to the One who knew who we were and whose we were before He ever
created one thing.
Thank you
Jesus! We are both grateful and thankful to You for us, our family, our friends,
our partners and prayer warriors. Bless them all!
In the name
of Jesus! Amen.
To our
partners and prayer warriors we say thank you for your love, support and
prayers. We would not want to do this without you.
Doug and Lisa
LPE Ministries
6203 76th
Lubbock, Texas 79424
Doug 806-790-4757
Lisa 806-790-4756